Friday, July 15, 2011

So long Seattle, and thanks for all the fish!

Seattle is awesome – the people, the culture, the activities, the Troll, and on and on. And, for two years, it’s been overcast and rainy, which has worn thin on Dean and me.

This spring, meaning April, not every other alleged season for two years, Dean was wistfully looking at an internet list of the sunniest cities in America. Little Rock was on the list and also was noted for being the rainiest of the sunniest cities, making it great for gardening.

As it so happens, I lived in Little Rock for 3 or 4 years back in my tender college years. I loved living there. My best friend of 18 years and her family live there. It is where I found Unitarian Universalism and where I joined my first congregation, which I still fondly consider my home congregation. I only moved back to Nebraska because I was young and poor and didn’t have a family support system there to help me through the lean years.

So, when Dean mentioned the article, I mentioned how much I enjoyed Little Rock and how much I would adore living close to Leslie again, then he mentioned how good it was for gardening, then I mentioned how expensive Seattle was, then he get the picture.

Out of that article, in late April we decided to move to Little Rock –
In three to five years. Dean pressed for a year. Leslie pressed for a year. I wanted to get things in order and have a plan, of course. So we settled on April 30, 2014 as our target move date. Dean started a countdown of the days in soap on the bathroom mirror.

In early June, I was just looking around on the internet at jobs in Little Rock, starting to get a feel for the major employers, their career sites, etc., and I found the absolute perfect job for me. There is only one of them in Little Rock and these jobs don’t open often in smaller cities like Little Rock. I had to apply. Dean was in full support.

I think the only real question they asked in the phone interview was, “You know this job is in Little Rock, AR, right?” I had to do a lot of convincing that, yes, I lived in Seattle now and, yes, I wanted to move to Little Rock, AR. Went down for a site interview. All went well.

Today, I accepted the position and start in mid-August. Notice how many years before April 30, 2014 that is? The universe works in mysterious ways.

And, like when we up and decided to move to Seattle, I’m leaving Dean behind to fix and sell the house while I jet off to the unplanned job. Very crazy stuff.

Seattleites – Fear not. I will return occasionally. Dean may not move until next spring. There will be plenty of time to feast and fest. I suspect we will have some sort of soirĂ©e before I leave in August.

That’s the long and short of it for now. I shall remember to take my towel.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Friday, July 8, 2011

37 and counting

Yeah! I finished the original drafts of my last two textbook chapters so I'm once again free to blog. Of course, there is a lot more work to do before you all have the greatest E&M textbook in your sticky little fingers, but having the original text done is huge!

But now I don't have a blog topic. I have a potential blog topic, but I can't blog about it until next week. A word to the wise - be careful what you put out in the universe. You just might get it, and sooner than you think!

I'm trying to find the top of my desk this afternoon at work. Just like the house, I prefer to have everything neat and tidy at work but, just like at the house, finding the time to make it happen is hard. I've made three new file folders, which makes me happy.

I also have a new arch nemesis at work, which keeps things interesting. The rest of the avengers and I are working to vanquish the evil that has been brought forth to the office. It's more interesting than creating flow charts.

And my birthday was Tuesday. I was thoughtfully gifted by those that love me with a near non-event of a day.

More, better, later.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Grace and Delay

When I was a child, my paternal grandmother called me Grace. This was due to my profound skill as a clutz.

Last night while cooking another delicious Indian meal, I sliced off half of my right index finger nail, including some of the nailbed. Needless to say, I'm typing one finger down today, which is quite the challenge.

I haven't posted lately because I'm feeling very guilty that I haven't completed the last chapters in my textbook. They are going painfully slow. I figure if I'm not getting that writing done, I shouldn't be doing other writing either.

So now, I'm two Indian meals behind and I still want to write this great piece about Mormons. But, I have to write chapter 14 first, and maybe let my finger heal a while.

Happy Monday. Happy April. Here's to your health, and the health of all of your fingers!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Paved Roads, Baskets, Intentions

I can't believe it. After I take in my car for service Saturday morning, I put the nose to the grindstone and finish writing first drafts of the last two chapters in my textbook. It should only take me this weekend if I'm focused. Angie is gone and Dean has to work in the office prepping for a big meeting. No new Netflix are due in the mail and I've watched every last English period film on streaming that I can stand. There should be no distraction.

Yes, it's long overdue. I was reading Douglas Adams' wiki recently and found he is credited with the lovely quote, "I love deadlines. I love the whoosing noise they make as they go by." Unlike Mr. Adams, I hope my tardy writing habits never become cause for my intrepid editor and I to be locked together in a hotel room for three weeks!

Yes, that's only the first part of writing a book. There are still versions and revisions, test questions, case studies, student exercises, parts, introductions, and appendices. But, having the nucleus of the book done will feel so good.

Now, let's see what I have to say Monday morning. Stay tuned...

ETA: Sunday - My goodness. I have learned so much writing this book. Seemingly every time I think I know something, or the source of it, I am surprised to find misquotes, vagaries, and redirection. My research estimate is always low...

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

SoulPancake & Project Conversion

Rainn Wilson, who plays Dwight Schrute on The Office, co-created the site SoulPancake. It is an attempt to create an on-line, contemporary place to talk about spirituality and life's big questions. It's interesting, if, sadly, geared towards someone younger than me.

I also am rather uncomfortable with Mr. Wilson's faith, Baha'i because of their ambigious to negative stance on homosexuality. If it wasn't for that sticky point, Baha'i would be a pretty cool religion, as religions go. It is rather focused on individual righteousness without judging other people. I'm down with that much.

Within that framework, then, I am skeptical of SoulPancake. I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop. For some reason, I don't buy that it is as cool as it seems. But then, they have a feature called Life's Little Lists, that is a tool to help a person consider their inner life. It's these parts of the site that make me forget the other shoe.

The current question is, "Name three things that you and only you can do for yourself." As a strong believer in self-determination, of course this appealed to me.

1. Only I can determine whether I am really ticklish.
2. Only I can decide how I will feel about or react to another person's behavior.
3. Only I can see my dreams.

I don't think I've posted about it here, and since I'm feeling religulous today, and since it also happens to related to Baha'i it reminded me, I'll point out for those interested in comparative religion, Project Conversion. This guy is trying on 12 different religions, one per month for a year. Fascinating project. I highly recommend it. I am intrigued by his work on his own spiritual journey and connection to the divine through the windows of these faiths.

Next in the religious post series, my musings on My Favorite Mormon, Ken Jennings, my recent trip to Salt Lake City, which included a trip to Temple Square, and why Mormons are so gosh darned nice.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Zen and the art of cleaning out one's track ball

Wow. Do not let your track ball mouse go without a regular cleaning. Mine seemed to be sluggish today. I finally popped out the ball and pulled what seemed to be felt pads off the three contact points for the ball. They were actually dust and debris. Now, the mouse cursor moves so fast I'm having a hard time controlling it. Note to self.

Now, I have to do something about the lunch crumbs in my keyboard...